You are currently viewing Episode 019: What To Do Next After A Crisis Hits Your Business

Last week I did a spontaneous episode about how to navigate your business through a crisis and it’s had a great reaction, so I wanted to spend some time today unpacking that a little more as the situation with the Coronavirus develops for all of us, and the knock-on effects of it all become more clear.

The theme of this episode is really – Moving on from a crisis, and what we can be doing next, and I’ll be covering:

  • What your clients need from you most right now.
  • What to do if your client is having a wobble over your contract.
  • What your biggest asset is and how to make best use of it.
  • The importance of creating your own parachute.
  • What I’m doing to support my clients (feel free to copy, borrow or be inspired by these actions).

I’m not denying the magnitude of what we’re facing here, but for many of us, it doesn’t need to be catastrophic for our businesses.

If you’re having trouble re-focussing for the next quarter, message me so we can work it through together.


With Emmie Faust and Jessica Fearnley

This SWOT Analysis webinar was originally created for my Work Less Earn More Membership, but I’m making the replay available for free for a short time.