Jessica Fearnley

Business coach for B2B Consultants

Looking to grow your consulting business?

Sign up for my free report, The Six Elements of a Seven Figure Business

Are you controlling your business

or is your business controlling you?

Does this describe you…?

It might not feel like it, but this is good news

because it means

your business is ready to grow!

I’m THE business coach for women B2B consultants who are ready to take their consulting business to the next level.

I’m passionate about empowering women to create wealth and opportunities for themselves and the people around them – and making sure they have a solid strategy to go with the heart that drives them.

Together we can

“I knew where I wanted my business to go, but I had no idea how to get there. Jessica helped me organize myself, and build my confidence. She made me face my fears and perceived obstacles to help me break through them and move to new heights.

Jessica does not use a cookie-cutter approach. She is a business coach with a very human side. She cares not only about business growth but about personal growth and happiness in the process.

During the time I have worked with Jessica, I have increased my client base significantly. As a result, my revenue has increased substantially.”

Patty Caballero
PSC Consulting

Work with Jessica


Coaching is for ambitious consultants who know they are destined for bigger things and are ready to put the work in to achieve their goals!

Wealth Dynamics

Discover your Wealth Dynamics profile so that you can bring clarity and direction to your entrepreneurial journey, find your flow, reclaim your time and work with your strengths.

Online Course

Profitable From Day One is the ONLY online course for consultants who want to be profitable from day one of their business.

“Before I worked with Jessica my business was flailing and I didn’t have much confidence to charge the big bucks or work with clients I thought were out of my league. Since joining Jessica’s program I’ve benefited from her attention to my business, my mindset, and the goals I set for myself. I’ve been able to charge significantly more, have incredible testimonies from serious clients, and stopped paddling in shallow waters. I have stopped doing little projects for next to nothing and now work in my zone of genius and I love it! I’m not burnt out, I enjoy time for myself and spend quality time with the family. I look forward to the future!”

Ali Geake
Ali Geake Communications

The Seven Figure Consultant Podcast

The show that takes you from booked up and burned out in your consulting business to THRIVING as the CEO of your 7 figure enterprise

Episode 183: Client Showcase: The Leadership First Approach with Amanda HarNess

Episode 183: Client Showcase: The Leadership First Approach with Amanda HarNess In this week’s episode of the Seven Figure Consultant Podcast, I interviewed my wonderful client, Amanda HarNess, an executive coach specialising in leadership development. Amanda shared her journey from working as an occupational therapist to becoming a successful business owner and coach, adapting and […]