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🍳 Sometimes you’ve got to break a few eggs

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​I don’t know about you, but I hate feeling like I’ve made a mistake or got something wrong.

In the last few weeks I have accidentally ruined a couple of items of clothing
 and I found myself tempted to really give myself a hard time about it.

One was snagging the skirt of an expensive dress made entirely of sequins. I wore it out for a date night with my husband and on the way home, managed to snag the fabric which caused sequins to fall off and distort the weave.

The second was while I was in the USA earlier this month
 I took a bite of a burger and had a bit of a ‘philly cheesesteak moment’, dripping an unexpectedly huge amount of red sauce on my white hoodie 🙈😂

The dress may be repairable (although it’s going to need a tailor as it outweighs my sewing expertise đŸ§”)

But the hoodie is probably done for.

And I just found myself feeling quite annoyed at myself.

When I dug a bit deeper with this feeling, I realised that I was tempted to tell myself ‘look if you hadn’t worn that dress’/’eaten such a big burger’ you wouldn’t have ruined those items of clothing’.

But the truth is – I don’t feel bad about either of those events.

And the phrase that came up for me is:

“If you’re going to make an omelette, you’ve got to break a few eggs” 🍳🍳

Because of course it’s true, if you never go out for date night or wear nice clothes, if you never travel to another country or eat delicious food – yes you will keep your clothes perfect.

If everything stays hanging in the closet, or folded up neatly in a drawer, it can’t get ruined.

But clothes are made to be worn.

And part of the process means that at some point they will wear out, or get damaged, or snagged or stained.

We can’t keep everything perfect if we’re getting out in the world, getting busy in the mess of life, building a business that takes us far beyond our old horizons.

And we need to be ready for things to get a little messy from time to time.

So, are there things in your life or business that have got a little messy recently?

Maybe something has gone a bit wrong, or not turned out the way you wanted it to?

I want to give you this phrase too:

“If you’re going to make an omelette, you’ve got to break a few eggs” 🍳🍳

The goal isn’t to have everything turn out perfectly.

The goal is to be living out loud, on purpose, and growing the consulting business of your dreams.

Have a great week,

Jessica x

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